- Co-referees: Chloé Athénosy et E. Veronica Belmega
- LIGM gender equality-parity committee: Chloé Athénosy (UGE), Mathieu Aubry (ENPC), E. Veronica Belmega (ESIEE Paris), Chérifa Boucheta (UGE), Léo Exibard (UGE), Nadim Francis (UGE), Antoine Meyer (UGE), Marie Van Den Bogaard (UGE)
- Our mission: animate, disseminate/relay information, raise awareness, redirect, … on subjects related to equality, gender parity, diversity, otherness, work environment, etc.
- CRCT/CPP “return from parental leave”: quasi automatic
- Dedicated to both women and men, state-funded, no competition with conventional CRCT/CPP, no competition at national level (quasi automatic), no predefined interval between the parental leave and the application
- Useful link on galaxie
*** 2023-2024 ***

- Theatrical debate with the company Entrées de jeu : Oct. 1st 2024 at the lab general meeting
“Between the lines”
Open up the debate on difficult subjects (VSS, compensatory quotas for women) to deal with real-life situations in a light and open manner - Posters VSS : June 2024
UGE poster campaign to raise awarness of VSS - Café ENSEMBLE : Apr. 29th, 2024; July 8th, 2024 ; Sep. 16th, 2024
a convivial moment of discussion (open to all) on the themes of equality-parity, diversity, otherness, life in the laboratory, difficulties encountered, etc. - Lunch Girls Only : Nov. 17th, 2023

*** 2022-2023 ***
- Scientific Matinee: June 5th, 2023
Invited talks by Valérie Berthé and Maria Vakalopoulou followed by a round table discussion on diversity – equality – parity issues in the research labss [Program] - Set up an anti-harrasment policy for the CPM conference organized by LIGM: June 2023
- Intervention at the Lycée Général, Technologique et Professionnel François Mansart, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, on April 11, 2023: presentation of the education and career paths and choices of two Associate Professors
- Lunch Girls Only: Oct. 18th, 2022
*** 2021-2022 ***
- Lunch Girls Only: Jun. 28th, 2022
- Intervention of Adoc Métis : Sep. 23rd, 2021
company specialized in HR consulting for higher education and researh at the « Journée au vert » organized by LIGM at the Château de Ferrières-en-Brie.
Links and tools
- CRCT/CPP “return from parental leave”
- Mission Égalité de l’Université Gustave Eiffel
- Actualités de la Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS
- Parité-égalité femmes-hommes CNRS Sciences Informatique
- Equality Mission at ESIEE Paris
- Violentomètre pour le monde scientifique
- Recruter, accueillir et intégrer sans discriminer, Guide des bonnes pratiques (2023)
- Bonnes pratiques pour les CoS : recommendations du CNRS (July 2022)