
LIGM (Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge, UMR 8049) is a computer science laboratory located on the Champs-sur-Marne campus. It depends mainly on the CNRS and Université Gustave Eiffel, but also on École des Ponts ParisTech. It participates in the MSTIC doctoral school of Paris-Est Sup.

The lab gathers about 80 permanent researchers, and about fifty non-permanent researchers, in fundamental and applied computer science, divided into six research teams:

  • A3SI (Algorithms, architectures, image analysis and synthesis),
  • ADA (Discrete algorithms and applications),
  • BAAM (Databases, automata, algorithm analysis and models),
  • COMBI (Algebric combinatorics and symbolic calculus),
  • LRT (Software, networks, real-time),
  • MMSID (Methods and models for signal, image and data).

It also has an administrative team (ADMIN) and a support team (SOUTIEN)

The LIGM is included in the Bézout Research Federation.

Publications of members of the lab can be accessed on HAL.