
A schedulability study for real-time computing

Orateur : Joël Goossens
14 December 2021 à 14:00 ; lieu : Salle de séminaire 4B125 (bâtiment Copernic)

Abstract : The talk will begin with an introduction to embedded real-time computing and scheduling problems. We will use simple examples to motivate the research problems and to illustrate the key concepts of the discipline.

Then we study a problem related to the schedulability of systems with preemptive tasks for single-core architectures.We will consider the notion of simulation interval for real-time priority driven schedulers upon uniprocessor. Our study focuses on a model where preemption costs are explicitly considered, i.e., the time required by the real-time operating system (RTOS) to load the context of execution of preempted real-time jobs.We first present the model and the research question — identify simulation intervals for popular real-time schedulers (Rate Monotonic, Earliest Deadline First, Least Laxity First) with preemption delay upon uniprocessor. We then present briefly related results of the literature. Then, we present two contributions: (i) a simulation interval for priority driven schedulers, and then an interesting particular case where former results of the literature, model without  preemption delay, apply. I.e., shorter simulation intervals exist.We will end the presentation by listing other types of problems we are interested in.


Salle de séminaire 4B125 (bâtiment Copernic)

5 Boulevard Descartes 77420 Champs-sur-Marne